New platform, new beginnings

Spot the paleface on the back, yes - that's me with my Cypriot tan. Photo: Helsinki Twilight Run
 Does the following situation sound familiar for you? 

You train six, seven, maybe eight months, log miles, get up early mornings to beat the scorching sun, say no to staying up late and having more than one beer, try to squeeze the nasty speed runs between soccer practise and family dinner, remember the core training and log some more miles, alone most of the time. Planning, effort and self-obedience. All the same qualities I do not possess in me naturally, more like I need to train by brain as well as my feet.

And then just when the race is just around the corner, an illness tackles you to bed. Well, I know. 

Last summer it was a sprained ankle, so I was looking forward for this summer. July was meant to be a long and smooth runway leading steadily to a fall marathon. Well, my plans usually have a mind of their own. 

The trail run in the woods of Paloheinä changed into food poisoning and that took my strenght for a week. My regular guest is also low iron levels, which make me feel fatigued and like I have no power in my limbs. Not a good combination for a long distance runner.

After disappointed start with my summer racing calendar, I ended up running The Helsinki Twilight Run Before the main course, we got as a appetisers the Kids 800 meter run at the beach. Try running in a sand, it's no picnic. The Most adorable runner kept barely on his feet, but won everybody's hearts by smiling. Pure joy of running and cheering!

Kids run took place on the Hietaniemi Beach. (photo: Helsinki Twilight Run)

Enough with the races for a while: it's time to stick with the program and focus on training, keeping oneself healthy, sleeping and eating properly for the next eight weeks. So, as there is going to be a lot of talk about the big M, those who find it boring, can jump of and come back in November.

In the mean time I will read fourth time my favourite book, Eat and Run and maybe find some new mantras to use from Scott Jurek. Like this one:

“We all lose sometimes. We fail to get what we want. Friends and loved ones leave. We make a decision we regret. We try our hardest and come up short. It's not the losing that defines us. 

It's how we lose. It's what we do afterward." 


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