Misplaced mojo?

Light at the end of the tunnel?

I don't know, honestly, is there? At the moment I can only think about time and distances, paces per kilometres, stomach pains that I had on my first marathon, running in the heat on my second one last year. Yes, been sucked into this black hole of self-doubt about ever running the scary distance.

How did I think of getting it done? Really?

Visualising the start and the finish should help.

As it's been over a year since my last marathon, next race feels like the first date. It's in my dreams now. (keep waking up with the thought of getting lost and not making starting area on time). People (who don't understand, I am sorry, but this is the case) keep asking and making it even a bigger deal. "How can you do that?" "Really, 42 kilometres?" And then, because you chose your hobby or destination all by yourself, you don't feel the right to complain.

So, at the moment. There is no news, no new thoughts, new ideas, just anxiety of the distance and counting the days.

As laughing is my way of coping fears and all that, I want to share few wisdoms I have learned on the way.

 Don't wear colors that show butt-crack sweat. (Actually, I used to care about this, but not anymore. If you're sweaty, at least you have done something. Who cares how do you look? Sweat is the new black).

Always bring tissues or piece of toilet paper with you. I don't want to start telling you about all those times spent looking for a loo in the woods/park. That happens. A lot.

During training, especially in a race: Have a mantra ready.

At some point, when you're struggling, have cramps, stomach aches or your mind is just playing tricks on you, it helps to have some kind of a motto. Whatever works for you. Use it. Draw strength from it. No matter how stupid or lame. Keep thinking the cold beer, your strenght, those times when you were in labour (running is nothing compare to that).

Whatever necessary. One kilometre at the time. Must Do. Will Do. CAN DO. Sisulla. 


Me after my last marathon in Limassol 2016. Yes, it's been too long.

Please send happy thoughts.


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